
Monday, December 10, 2007

And the Winner is........

The winner is Tammy Sliger. I let Connor pull out the winning name out of a jar. Congrats. I will bring you your surprise on Monday to the Christmas party. Thanks to everyone who left a comment. I enjoyed reading all the family traditions. I hope everyone has a great holiday season.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Christmas Tree!

Here are some pictures of my Christmas decorations in my house. These pics are for you Jenn. I love Christmas time. I love to come home and plug in the lights and just sit and look at the tree and the mantle. I owe Laura big time for helping me with my decorations. She is such an awesome decorator. We have Connor a stocking ordered and it has not got here yet. I didn't forget him. He is going to have a big stocking and it is going right in the middle. Thanks for all the great stories everyone has been leaving on my last post. Keep entering to win. I will post the big winner on MONDAY! Have a great weekend.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Christmas Giveaway!

I have decided to have a Christmas Giveaway! I have a surprise in mind to giveaway to one lucky person. To win all you have to do is leave a comment on my blog, I would like for you to tell me of a special thing or tradition you and your family do at Christmas time. It is so neat to hear stories of how different families spend the holidays. This year we will be making a lot of new traditions with it being Connor's first Christmas. So everybody leave a comment and your name will go in a jar. On Monday, December 10th I will draw a name and you could be the winner. Good luck to all. I hope everyone has a safe and fun weekend.

Friday, November 30, 2007


I know I have been a really bad blogger lately. It is so hard to post as much as I want to with all the things I have going right now. I am so busy with school, work, and my family. We have had an eventful couple of weeks with the holidays and all. This week Connor started daycare. He LOVES it. It's way harder on me than it is him. He loves getting to play with all the kids. She keeps four so it is not too big. The kids are so sweet and so is Ms. Jennifer. Wednesday Connor, my dad, and I went to Murfreesboro to see Mylie Rae and Jenn. We had so much fun letting the kids play and catching up. We went to Hobby Lobby, Toys R Us (Connor got a new carseat), and we went to eat at Logans (Dad likes to each the peanuts and throw them on the floor). It is so fun having our kids around the same age. I know I loved having cousins so close we always have so much fun. Me and my cousin Hannah are only 13 days apart. We were so close growing up. I miss her since she moved to Murfreesboro. Anyway I am getting off track. Also Wednesday was my Aunt Annettes birthday. I love her so much she is always there for me if I need her. I hope she had a wonderful day because she is a wonderful person. Thursday I took Connor to daycare then I went home and started working on the house. I am trying to get everything spic n span before I drag all my Christmas stuff out. Laura is going to help me with my tree. I just love that girl. She always makes me laugh. After I worked on my house for a little while I went to Alison's and my dad helped me put the new carseat in. Then I went to Aunt Wendy's and she put some style in my hair. I can't remember when I have had a haircut. I needed something new so bad. She always works me in with both of our busy schedules. When I went to pick Connor up Ms. Jennifer said that he wouldn't take a nap and had had some bad diapers. She said I think I saw a tooth in their. Sure enough I stuck my finger on his gums and there it was his FIRST TOOTH. I was excited and sad. My baby is growing up it seems like I just had him last week. I love to watch him grow but its sad that he is not really a baby anymore. I am so glad it is Friday and I don't have anything I have to do this weekend. It is such a relief to get a break sometimes. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Be safe and don't shop too much. Ha ha.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


There are many things that we are all thankful for. We are so fortunate to live we were we do and have what we have. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and you get to eat a bunch and spend quality time with your families. I thought I would list some things I am thankful for. I love you all and hope you all have a great day.

Things I am thankful for.....

1. My lord and savior.
2. My boys: Wes (my husband/best friend)& Connor (my pride and joy/my reason for waking up each day)
3. My awesome family (each and every one of them) I would be nothing without them. I love you all so much.
4. My wonderful friends who have always been there for me and love me no matter what.
5. Connor's hugs and kisses.
6. The smile on his face when I haven't seen him all day.
7. My church and the freedom to worship.
8. Connor's jibber jabber and his wonderful laugh.
9. My mom; without her I could do nothing. She is my rock and I don't know what I would do without her. Thanks for everything you do for me.
10. My siblings: Regan, Ramsey, and Jenn. They are always there for me and help me whenever I call or just need to chat. I love you all so much.
11. My cellphone and computer. How would I keep up with everything if I didn't have this.
12. My Grannyma's fruit tea and my Nonny's dumplings.
13. Paula's cookies.
14. Good health.
15. My country and freedoms I have for living here.
16. The time I get to spend with family laughing and playing games.

These are just a few things I am thankful for. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all. Oh and good luck to anyone going shopping tomorrow. I will be one of those people shopping but don't go all crazy in the stores. Material things are not that important, remember what the holiday season is all about. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLENE AND EMMY. I love you girls.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Keep in your Prayers

As you all may know Toree and Jessica's grandma has been very sick. She passed away Thurdsday evening. She is going to be missed so very much by her daughter, four granddaughters, and seven great grandchildren. She was a very sweet woman who touched many lives in her 91 years of life (I believe that is her age). Keep Pat and the girls in your thoughts and prayers as they cope with losing such a special lady. The funeral arrangements will be at McMinnville Funeral Home. We love you all so much and your entire family are in our thoughts and prayers.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Eight Months Ago....

Eight months ago I gave birth to a precious baby boy. He is my life and I love him so much. I don't know what I ever did without him since my whole life now revolves around his every need. Connor Michael is growing like a weed. He is crawling and getting into everything. He tries to pull over the trash can, chew on electrical wires, and pull all my hair out. He is so strong. He also says mum mu, which I translate into momma. He laughs and smiles all the time, he is eating baby food and cereal and trying to drink out of a cup. He pulls up on the furniture and will soon be walking. Happy 8 month birthday to my special little boy. Your mommy loves you. A note to moms with little babies, Cherish every moment because you will turn around and they will be grown. Hope everyone has a great day. And Happy Late Six Month Birthday to my favorite niece, Mylie Rae.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Tonight is Homecoming for the Pioneers. I love this time of year it is starting to cool down and you actually like to be outside. I love going to the Homecoming football game. I love to see the floats and watch the presentation during halftime. Last year my sister, Regan, was crowned Homecoming Queen. I was so proud of her. Here is a picture of her and Mallory from last year. Tonight she gets to crown the new Homecoming Queen. We are pulling for Amy Hutton. She is one of our best friends. We are also good friends with Shea Hyatt who has also been nominated. Both of these girls are great so we hope one of them wins. Today we are taking Connor to the Homecoming Parade. I am so excited. He will love it. We will post later pictures from today and tonight. I still have got to post pictures from the Fair. I am so behind. School is killing me. Hope everyone has a great weekend. GOOD LUCK PIONEERS! Keep up the winning streak.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Arden Claire!

Today our little Arden Claire is turning 5. I just can't believe it. She is growing so fast. I remember the day she was born like it was yesterday. It was my freshman year of high school. I didn't get to go see her until the next day I was so mad. I love you Arden Claire and hope you have a wonderful birthday. Hope you will come ride the merry go round with Conman at the fair tonight. We are also excited about your High School Musical birthday party on Saturday. You are going to freak at what me and Regan got you. See you tonight. WE LOVE YOU! Love Kirby and Conman, and Wes too.

Friday, September 7, 2007

I Married Brad Pitt!

Can you believe it I married Brad Pitt? LoL. This is so much fun to do. Jennifer and Alison did their husbands so I thought I would do mine. I could sit and do this all day. It's so funny. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

An Eventful Week!

This week is very eventful for my family. We will start with this past Sunday. We woke up went to church and then spent the day at the river. When we got back home we had to go to Walmart to get a few things. Well you know how that goes, we were there for two hours. I think we saw everyone we knew there. Monday we had a big auction in Rock Island. I took this picture of Connor and his daddy. I thought it was so cute. After the auction we went home and rested, then I had to study. Monday was also Donald's birthday. Tuesday it was back to school for me. This is my long day at school becuase I have a night class. Speech I hate it, I get so nervous talking in front of people even though I know they are just as nervous as me. Wednesday is my dad's birthday. Connor wishes you a Happy Birthday Pap. Thursday is another school day but it also is the day Regan comes home from Tech. We miss her so much now that she is at school. Friday and time for the weekend. Friday night we are going to Miss Breelyn Caroline's 2nd birthday party. I can't believe she is already two. I remember going to the hospital the day she was born. Then Jenifer, Connor, & I are headed to see the Pioneers. Saturday a friend of mine from high school is getting married. Sunday we have Abram's 3rd birthday party. It's at the Jungle Gym, it's a Construction theme. It will be Connor's first time at the Jungle Gym. I told you it was an eventful week for us. Then the next week comes the FAIR. I am so excited to see how Connor reacts to the fair and take him on the Merry Go Round. I hope everyone has a great weekend. If anyone needs me just look at my schedule and you can find me. LOL. Love to all.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Do I have a Famous Face?

I got this from Alison's blog. I think everyone should do this. Paula, Callie, Regan, Darlene, and I have spent all afternoon uploading pictures to see who everyone looks like. It is so funny. Try it. Here are my celeb look alikes.

Friday, August 31, 2007


Tonight we are taking Connor to his first Pioneer football game. I am so excited and hope he likes it. Arden Claire will be there and she said tonight was a perfect night to bring Conman along. That's her nickname for him. We wish the Pioneers good luck as they play Shelbyville tonight. Hope everyone has a great weekend and a safe Labor Day. I will post later to let you know how the Pioneers did and maybe have some pics of Connor at the game. Here he is sporting his Pioneer attire. He is only six months old but knows how to show his PIONEER PRIDE! Good luck team.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Welcome Gianna Grace

Welcome Gianna Grace Morales. She was born August 20, 2007. She weighed 7lbs 9oz. She is just so cute. Here are some pics of this precious little angel. She is the daughter of Carlos and Anike Morales. Anike is Kaye Grandstaff's step-daughter. Kay-Kay is like my second mom and she is also Wes's aunt. I love this family so much. Carlos, Anike, and the girls live in Mississippi. So we haven't got to see the new baby yet. They are coming to visit the first week of October. We are so excited. Katelyn is the oldest daugther, she is in the picture above. She is so proud to be a big sister. I am so happy for you all and can't wait to meet the new addition. Poor Connor he surrounded by girls, Mylie, Annabella, Gianna, and many more. I guess he will be a ladies man. Somebody needs to have a boy so Connor will have someone to play with. (Hint hint ALISON FAITH!!!) . Hope everyone has a great day.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Blog Tag

8 things you might not know about me!

1. I love to cuddle up in my pajamas and watch girl movies when it rains.

2. I love to cook for FUN but not as a chore. I like to make candy and desserts for people but not cook a whole meal everynight. I am trying to get better about that. My poor husband has not had a cooked meal from me but maybe six or seven times since we have been married. Which has almost been a year. LOL.

3. I love two men. My husband, Wes, is the love of my life. We have been together since our Freshman year of high school. The other is Connor Michael. My sweet precious baby boy, he holds my whole heart in his tiny hands. He makes life worth living.

4. I love to spend time with my family. I don't really call my cousins cousins. They are more like my brothers and sisters. We are so close and I wouldn't have it any other way. When one of us hurts we all hurt and when one is happy we are all happy.

5. I love the water. I like swimming pools, the ocean, and especially the lake. I love going to the river and riding jet skis, intertubes, and getting a tan.

6. I have two sisters and a brother who live in Europe. They are the exchange students we had for a year. I love them like real siblings. They are awesome.

7. I love to drink NuGrapes when they are really cold. It reminds me of when I was in elementary school and Alison was in high school. I used to wait up for her to get home and Aunt Elaine would give me a NuGrape and potato chips and I would watch TV until she got home and we would hang out til time for bed.

8. I love children. I have always loved being around babys and kids. This is why I have decided to go into teaching. I love the schedule, the hours, and the joy of knowing that I can help children.

Jennifer and Julie you are next.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Can You See Me as a TEACHER?

I am getting ready to start my second year at Motlow this Fall. When I started out my major was accounting. All summer long I have been debating on what I want to be when I grow up. There are so many different and exciting jobs out there and it is just so hard to choose. After a lot of thinking I have decided to become a TEACHER. I am so excited about this decision and I am looking so forward to starting school in a few weeks. I love kids and I want a job where I can spend my summers with Connor and my other children some day. It also pretty much runs in my family. My cousin Alison and my Aunt Elaine are both teachers and Wes's Aunt Kaye used to be a teacher. I am glad I will have some people to help me through this journey. I have also decided to do some substitue teaching so I can learn more about how the kids spend their days and to decide which grade I would rather teach. Leave your comment on what kind of teacher you think I will be. Hope everyone has a great weekend and a good week at school.

Friday, July 27, 2007


Today is my cousin Carter's 8th Birthday! He is the sweetest thing. I love him so much. He should be a model. He has beautiful curly brown hair and a complection any girl would kill for and a smile that will melt your heart. Carter J is so special to us and he is one of our family's many TREASURES! I remember everything about Paula's pregnancy with Carter. I spent every moment I could with her. We went to Walmart every single day maybe even twice a day. If we weren't at Walmart we were at Paula's eating bowl after bowl of COFFEE ice cream. I loved getting to spend time with her. She is a great cousin. Payla is the best mother in the world. I could never do all that she does. I am so proud of her and love her so dearly. Happy Birthday Carter J much love to you!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Happy Birthday Regan & Ramsey!

Today is my brother and sister's 19th birthday. We are only 13 months apart but we act like triplets. I love them so much and don't know what I would do without them. Ramsey is the protector he takes care of us girls when we need him. He acts tough but has a tender heart. Regan is the outspoken one. She is the Mother Hen, always taking care of everyone and cooking them their favorite goodies. I love them both so much. I can't believe they are out of highschool and going to college. Ramsey is staying home but Regan is going to Cookeville and it makes me sad. I am going to miss her so much. I hope you both have a great birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Love your big sis.

Monday, July 23, 2007

The Girls!

As some of you know last year we had two exchange students live with us for about four months. Tessi is from Germany and Anneloes is from Holland. We didn't want them to leave because they had become a part of our family. I was so excited when they told us they were going to come visit us this summer. They have been here since June and will be leaving in about a week or so. I am so glad they got to come and see Connor and spend the summer with us. I love them so much. Tessi brought her brother Leo with her. He is so funny. Connor loves him. Leo teaches him all sorts of tricks. We all have such a big time. Tonight we are making pizzas at Kaye Grandstaff's house. She is the best. Look for a post from that soon. Last Sunday we all went to church together and we snapped a photo before we left. Connor is only five months old but he knows how to attract the ladies. LOL.Hope everyone has a great day.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Connor Michael's Pictures

Connor had his pictures made about a month ago and they are finally up to view. I was just so excited to see them. Thank you so much Valeisha. I love them. If you want to view go to click View/Order. Then you click on Connor and then type in your email address. The password is: michael. Let me know what you think. Have a great day. This is one of my favorites.

For My Girl Tammy

Last night we were at the Morrison ballparks and I saw my friend Tammy Sliger. She was watching her sons play ball. We talked and played with her little Graylin and Connor. Graylin loves Connor. She kept saying "Baby, mine!" It was so funny. Tammy said she get on my page and checks it almost every morning. She wanted to know why I hadn't replied to her when she left me comments and I told her she didn't have a blog for me to leave her a message. So, I told her I was going to write a post just for her. I LOVE YOU GIRL! You are so funny and I love hanging out with ya. One night I will have to come help you set up a page so I can comment you. Well I hope everyone has a great day. Love ya especially Tammy and Graylin.

Monday, July 16, 2007

My Working Boy!

If you don't already know everyone in my family is in the real estate business. My mom, my step-dad, my uncle, my husband, me, and now my handsome little boy. This weekend we had two auctions. Connor of course had to work too. Mom had him his own matching outfit made. Tammy Love put the logo on for us. Well we got up bright and early went and did a final walk through on a house I am selling, then we went to the first auction. Everyone loved Connor's outfit. He was the star of the show. He looks like a little man everyone has told me. It kind of makes me sad because I don't want my baby to grow up. He is FIVE months old today. I just want to cry. I can not believe I have had this sweet little boy for that long. It seems like yesterday we brought him home from the hospital and now he is laughing, smiling, rolling over, and giving people high fives. Time flys so don't take it for granted. Love the time while your babies are little because soon you will turn around and they will be going to school. Here are some pics of Connor in his little outfit.

Friday, July 13, 2007

It's Friday!

It's FRIDAY! Thank goodness. I am so glad today is Friday. I love the weekend because I do not have to be on a schedule. Connor and I can do whatever we want. Right now we have three exchange students living at my mom's house. They are so much fun. We had two of them last year for six months. Leo who is fifteen is so funny and loves Connor. I have never seen a teenage boy love a baby so much and Connor just loves him too. Leo has been teaching him tricks. He will give you a high five it is so CUTE. Tomorrow we have two auctions. Connor always helps us work. He has his own Donald Hillis Realty shirt and everything. He is a good little helper. Today my dad came to visit from Chattanooga. We will probably all go to Alison's house tonight and hang out. Sunday our family is going to the river. We love it down there. My mom is in the process of building a house there so we can stay on the weekends. Well that's all I have time for now. Hope everyone has a great weekend and I thank you for visiting my blog. I thought I would add this pic of Connor in his shades. I am not proud of him or anything. Have a great day.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Welcome to my site!

Hi everyone! Welcome to my new blog. I am so excited about this new blog. I hope to meet new people and create things that you can treasure. I love to creat new things so if you have ideas or suggestions just let me know. I have lots of friends who are so talented and you can access their blogs at the bottom of this blog. Thanks for coming to my site. Oh and my precious treasure is at the top of this blog. He is my life and I love him so much. Thanks for visiting check back for new postings and some of my first creations. Have a great day.