
Thursday, September 24, 2009

How can you look like everybody?

Tuesday I got my hair colored. It is a lot darker than usual and I really like it. I have never had so many people tell me I look like so many different people in my life. It has just cracked me up all week. Donald said I looked like Regan, I saw a picture of my Dad and told myself I looked just like him, the man at the Verizon store said I looked just like Mom, and the lady at the Verizon store said I looked just like my Aunt Annette! It is so funny to me how I can look like all these people and none of these people look anything alike and are so different in so many ways. I know this probably is a silly post but I just thought I would tell of my many different looks this week. Here is a pic of my new hair I love it. Thanks Aunt Wendy!


Morris Family Of Four said...

Your Gonna Laugh Again, But In This Picture You Look Like Alison To Me!
I Have Always Thought You Looked More Like Your Mother.
Love To You, Paula B.

Kara said...

I love it Kirby! I wanna go darker too!

Morris Family Of Four said...


Y O U ~ w I L L ~ A L W A Y S ~
B E ~ M Y ~ F A V O R I T E ~

Love To YOU, Paula