
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Happy Birthday Regan & Ramsey!

Today is my brother and sister's 19th birthday. We are only 13 months apart but we act like triplets. I love them so much and don't know what I would do without them. Ramsey is the protector he takes care of us girls when we need him. He acts tough but has a tender heart. Regan is the outspoken one. She is the Mother Hen, always taking care of everyone and cooking them their favorite goodies. I love them both so much. I can't believe they are out of highschool and going to college. Ramsey is staying home but Regan is going to Cookeville and it makes me sad. I am going to miss her so much. I hope you both have a great birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Love your big sis.


Paula Wanamaker said...

Happy B-day to RamZ and ReRe!
I love you all so much and Kirby shell too!!!
You all need to come and go swimming before school starts, maybe Friday or Saturday, for Carter J.'s birthday, Let's have a party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
love you muchly

Mylie and Me said...

I dont think we have any plans. I get off work at 4, come on by!

Sheila said...

Kirby you are and have always been a great sister...Now you are a mom...doesn't seem possible. I love your blog (I check it daily) Your family is beautiful...

Happy birthday to Reagan and Ramsey.